What do you do when your home doesn’t quite feel like you, but you aren’t sure how to fix that? You are looking into hiring a designer but most interior design firms work on renovations and new construction or do styling for the seasons and big events. While these are wonderful services, most often the projects need to be large and quite pricey to justify the design bill associated with it. If only there was a company whose focus was services that provide the ideas - color, concept, etc. and then allow the client to work that into their home, at their own pace. Queue the music…

Welcome to Joyful Living Home Design. We want to help you take your house and turn it into a home that fits your style. We provide design expertise to help you see the potential your space has to become the beautifully curated home you have always wanted. At Joyful Living Home Design our ultimate goal is making where you are, exactly where you want to be.

This includes a 1-hour in-home consultation focused solely on paint and colors. Through this brainstorming session we will work to determine a color palette for your space that has you excited to come home every day! After our consultation, you will receive a whole home customized color palette including product information. So when it comes time to roll up your sleeves and get to painting, you have everything you need, without the guess work.

Perfect for those who:

  • just purchased a home

  • are looking to make their home feel more cohesive

  • are tired of the current colors in their home and want advice on a new direction


  • Project inspiration boards to help focus the overall look of your home

  • Whole home color palette with product paint codes and finish recommendations

  • Color boards, which provide visual representations for key, secondary and accent colors, for 3 rooms

Investment: $300

This includes a 1-3 hour in-home design consultation focused on developing design ideas for your spaces. After our time together, you will receive renderings of these designs come to life in your own home. This provides a visual for what these designs look like in your space so when it comes time for a renovation or DIY project, you know what the end product looks like before you start.

Perfect for those who:

  • have 1-3 rooms for which they are seeking design help

  • struggle to envision the opportunities a space may hold for a different design

  • want a fresh pair of eyes on their space


  • Project Inspiration boards to help focus the overall look of your home

  • Design renderings for up to 3 rooms

Investment: $600

This includes a 4-6 hour in-home design consultation. It encompasses the prior two consultation offerings as well as concept boards, material recommendations, and product recommendations based on your budget. This is the consultation for those who are looking to get into the specifics.

Perfect for those who:

  • want to reimagine the look or style of their current home as a whole including making new furniture/product purchases

  • are looking to create a more cohesive look for their home

  • are hoping to do a renovation and want specifics nailed down before starting


  • Project Inspiration boards to help focus the overall look of your home

  • Whole home color palette with product paint codes and finish recommendations

  • Color boards, which provide visual representations for key, secondary and accent colors, for 3 rooms

  • Design renderings for up to 3 rooms

  • Furniture and product recommendations

Investment: $1500

Joyful Living Home Design is a company that focuses on bringing to life, through renderings and concept design, the design ideas that you have been struggling to envision. We then give you the freedom to take those ideas and bring them to life on your own, at your pace. We do have various vendors we trust that we are happy to recommend upon request. While we are happy to help you envision a renovation with the services above, we do not do “full service” renovation or new construction design at this time.