I am a Midwest girl, born and raised who ended up planting in Kansas City after college. I was only supposed to be here for a year, but fell in love with the city and the people so much I couldn’t leave. Now going on 6 years, there is nowhere else I would rather be!

Joyful Living’s mission is to bring beautifully curated design into the homes of middle-class Americans. We have found a way to make our services affordable while also delivering a set of products that puts beautiful design at your fingertips.

My Experience. I was always the girl trying to come up with the best layout and design possible for a room. It didn’t matter if it was my dorm room in college, a rental apartment or house, or now our own home - because design matters. It has a large impact on how you, and others, feel when coming into your space. It took years but after hearing over and over, “I need you to come design my house for me!” I finally decided to make my dream a reality and Joyful Living was born.

Hi, my name is Annie! A wife and mama, with a love for all things coffee and design. I’m also the founder of Joyful Living, an interior design firm, based out of the Kansas City area.


I am a Critical Care pharmacist by training which many people told me I couldn’t do well because I was too positive of a person! I said, “That area of healthcare just needs more light, and I’m happy to oblige.”


My husband and I bought our home with hopes of doing a lot of renovations on our own…and then two days after moving in found out we were pregnant with our daughter. Needless to say, not as many projects have been completed as our aggressive timeline would have originally suggested, haha!


I have been signing off emails, With Joy, for the last 6 years. LONG before Joyful Living was ever a glint in my eye. Life is wild sometimes!

I hope we can bring a little light and a lot of joy into your home!